Point of View

Tomorrow's the big day!!! I'm finally going to do something that I have always wanted to do, Laser Eye Surgery.  Currently feeling ... Petrified Nervous Anxious Excited "Hyperventilating" "Freaking Out!!" As nervous as I am, I am also very excited to see the outcome. From what I have heard from people who's had Lasik done on their eyes, it's apparently a life changing experience! My one


eSession #1

According to this weekly email wedding report I receive, we officially have 1 year, 1 month, 2 weeks and 1 day until our wedding!! Ahhhh!!! Ha! Ha! I know, it's far, but today I can't help but be really excited, anxious and nervous! Why? Our first Engagement Photo shoot is today!! destination | Burlington, ON We wanted a place that offered flexibility for our pictures. We knew that Burlington


Forever 21

I wish! =) Today has simply been such a blessing in so many ways ... This year, I wanted more of a "low-key" birthday. My life lately has been all about being on the "GO-GO-GO", that all I wanted to do this year was sleep! Something that I can't seem to get enough of. Ha! Ha! why 21?  What's so important about 21? 21 just seems to be my "magic age". Not sure if you have ever felt like you


DJ - option 2

Second DJ meeting - done! It didn't start out as smoothly as I would have liked it to, but in the end it turned out great. We were supposed to meet our contact at a Tim Horton's in Mississauga. The DJ company's office is in Toronto, but our contact was kind enough to meet us in Mississauga. First good sign! When we got to Timmies, we didn't see our contact - bad sign. So Mark and I got our


be #1

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate prioritizing? Arrgghh!!! Marky and I are meeting up with our second potential DJ tonight. I'm a little frustrated because DJs are so expensive! Don't get me wrong, there are cheaper DJs out there, but at the same time, they may not be as good or as professional. The DJ we're meeting up tonight has gotten a lot of very positive reviews, so we're hopeful. They



Totally random ... but this morning, I started thinking about my veil. When I was trying on wedding dresses, of course I had to try on veils with them! And yes ... I will be wearing a veil. I love the overall look of it with my wedding dress. Makes it look really romantic in my opinion. What my dilemma right now is whether I should have the veil over my face or not? The last three weddings I've


Change Your Words - Change Your World

"I know that Friday, October 12, 2012 will be everything we had hoped for and more. It will certainly be the dream wedding I have dreamt of all my life!" "We're going to find the best DJ there is and have an amazing party!" "Change Your Words - Change Your World" Here is something I learned from the LOJC Youth Inspired! this past weekend. You are what you say! If you believe that you are blessed,


Planning Tip #1 - Church

So here I am, about 8 months into my wedding planning. I have to say that I have done pretty well so far. Since last Monday I have 1 year, 2 months, 1 week and 6 days to go before my wedding. Ha ha! I know it seems far, but that's what I was thinking 8 months ago, and look - it's here!! >_<  Here are the items that I've been able to check off my list so far: Church Reception Photographer Videographer Dress

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