The Journey: 7 months to go!

Sometimes I hate the fact that we're getting married. *gasp* I know! Crazy huh? Not for the reason you are thinking. I only hate it because of the money it involves. People dream of their wedding day their whole life and the little details they want to incorporate in it. Then the day actually comes and you realize that there's more to having the "perfect" wedding. One's perception of "perfect" I


More details coming together ...

Flowers Galore! We met with our florist last Friday and everything turned out great! We worked with her to finalize everything. Who would have thought that there are tons of different kinds of one flower! Ha! Ha! I can't wait to see how they are all going to turn out! Soo excited!! Choir of Angels  Mark and I asked some very important people to be a part of our special day. I have already mentioned



After a long conversation with Mark last night, it looks like we have finally come to a decision about where we will be living in the future. He is planning on getting a job around where he currently lives now. Which makes sense because larger cities means greater population, which equals to more crimes. He will have a lot more opportunities there as he pursues a career in law enforcement. However,

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