simplicity is beauty

Last Saturday, I went to Mississauga with my mom and my sister Catherine to help her look for her prom dress. Unfortunately we didn't have much luck! Oh well, we're going out again tonight to keep looking! He he ... After shopping, I took my mom and Catherine to Merciful Redeemer so that they can see the church. Just wanted to write about my mom's first impression when she saw the church... From


TIP: For the journey ahead

After I attending a bridal show in January, I've been getting random emails about wedding stuff. My email has probably been entered into a database somewhere (not cool ...). But this newsletter email that I received today had a really good message to it. It's from a lady who is a wedding planner and has unfortunately recently separated from her husband after 2 years of marriage. "...sometimes I find


October 13, 2012

So last Saturday, Mark and I helped his older sister and her husband move to their new apartment. Yes, it was a lot of work, but it was also very exciting for the two newlywed couple. It made me dream about "our" moving day! =) Nothing has really been finalized as to where we would be living after we got married since we have to wait until we know where Mark finds a job. But I can't help but dream

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